You are here: Sales > Creating Sales Orders > Specifics of a Sales Order > Adding Freight Information

Adding Freight Information

Freight details are added in the Sales Order Entry form on the Freight Tab.

Freight Items Tab

Field Description
Carrier Select the carrier from the drop down list.
Service Select the required service from the drop down list.
Use Least Cost This is a feature offered by SmartFreight and will be passed back to Jiwa.
Description Select the packaging description from the drop down list.
Items Type in the quantity of items.
Weight Type in weight.
Cubic Type in cubic size.
Length Type in length.
Width Type in Width.
Height Type in Height.
Consignment Note No. Select from the drop down list if this has been typed in manually. If a file is being imported from SmartFreight this will be updated automatically.

Consignment Notes Tab

If an xml file is being imported from the SmartFreight system these fields will be updated automatically or they can be entered in manually.

Field Descriptions
Consignment Note No. The consignment note number received from the freight company used.
Consignment Note Date The date of the consignment note.
Ex GST Amount Amount excluding GST charged for the freight.
GST Amount GST amount for the freight charge.
Inc GST Amount Amount including the GST charged for the freight.

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